Next Step Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is Next Step?
Next Step is a resource meant to help answer some questions you may have about God and what having a relationship with Him means. Some of the topics include talking about: What just happened, the basics you need to know, and what you can expect next.
Why should I go through Next Step?
Next Step will help solidify the truths you’ve come to believe when you accepted Jesus into your heart.
Must I be a christian to start Next Step?
We would encourage going through Next Step after you have made a decision to accept Jesus into your heart. However, if you’re keen to learn more before making a decision, our leaders will be glad to take you through it!
What must I do to prepare for Next Step?
Just come with an open heart and mind! We’ll walk through the process with you, and all the materials you need are accessible online!
Is Next Step Compulsory?
We encourage everyone to go through Next Step to start knowing more about God with the right basics!
How long is Next Step?
Next Step encompasses six short sessions.
What happens if I still have questions about God after Next Step? Will there be someone to guide me in my walk with God after?
Absolutely. After Next Step, an older believer will mentor you through Bible lessons so that you grow steadily in your knowledge and relationship with God. Our church, Victory Family Centre, also offers Bible classes for different topics and levels.
Who will be doing Next Step with me?
Let us know if you are interested to start Next Step by filling the form above, and one of our leaders will contact you to start!
Why is it called next step?
This is the most basic step to take right after receiving Jesus into your heart!
What happens after Next Step?
Following Next Step, we invite everyone to participate in Next Step Weekend — a brief retreat designed to help you worship and connect with God on a deeper, more personal level. For more information about the retreat, feel free to speak with any of our church volunteers.
Sign up for Next Step